CE Colo - Headquarters
How to get to CE Colo
CE Colo Czech s.r.o.
Nad Elektrárnou 1428/47, 106 00 Prague 10, Czech Republic
Registration number: 241 97 327
VAT number: CZ24197327
administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Entry 187768

Tel.: +420 255 790 307
Data box ID: pj279i9

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Martin Renner Martin Renner, CFA
Executive Director

Martin has over 20 years of experience in the telecommunications and IT industry, holding various roles in Finance. He has served as a Business Partner for Commercial Functions in B2B, B2C, and WHS, as well as for IT Functions. With several years of experience in Procurement, he has also occupied multiple Board positions within the TelCo industry. Currently, Martin is the Executive Director of CE Colo, a role he assumed in February 2024. In addition, he leads Commercial Controlling at T-Mobile Czech Republic and Slovak Telekom.
Michal Koláček Michal Koláček
Executive Director

Michal began his telecommunications career over 20 years ago as a sales representative at a privately owned enterprise. Throughout his journey, he has developed professional and management skills in product management, technology and operations, business development, and company executive roles. He has also gained experience from several successful startups focused on IoT. Michal joined T-Mobile Czech Republic in 2020, concentrating on B2B connectivity, cloud solutions, and data centers. Since 2023, he has served as a statutory representative at CE Colo, focusing on executive, sales, and operations.
Lubos Pinkava Lubomír Pinkava
Operation Director

Luboš Pinkava joined CE Colo team in May, 2014. He has been working on several technology/management positions in a telco industry focusing on hi-speed networks, datacenters, active security and cloud since 2002. He has broad experience in modern technologies, mission-critical services and customer projects design and support. In CE Colo company Luboš is responsible for continuous operations and further company development.


Tomáš Hanzl Tomáš Hanzl
Business consultant,

Tomáš Hanzl had started his professional career at financial markets, but then he decided to join the exciting world of telecommunication and ICT. For 20 years he worked for many telecommunication companies such as Aliatel, GTS Czech and T-mobile, where he as a consultant supported colleagues from B2B sales team. At this position he was involved in large telco and ICT projects for B2B customers.
Viktor Sautin Viktor Sautin
Business Consultant,

Viktor Sautin began his career in 2011 after completing a master's degree at Charles University in Prague, specializing in the history of international relations. Since then, he has focused on international trade and distribution. He started his professional journey as a sales manager at Ventus-Aliance and, from 2014, worked at IVService s.r.o., where he focused on negotiations with leading global distributors in the world of electronics and IT components sector. In 2019, he became a Key Account Manager at E.Mi International s.r.o., where he was responsible for brand development in European and Asian markets and managed the distribution department. Viktor has extensive experience in leading business negotiations and brand development in international markets. He is currently responsible for customer management at CE COLO Czech s.r.o.